Tribal Soul Spiritual Incense Sticks
These Incense Sticks, made in India, are inspired to connect to your spiritual self and the Other Worldly through the concepts of Crystal Healing, Energy Clearing, Moon Ritual, Om Shanti and Tarot Reading.
These Incense Sticks naturally fragrance your home but are also ideal for spiritual practices.
Each of the boxes comes with a round ceramic incense holder.
To find out more about the metaphysical power of each of these sets, see the ‘Additional Information’.
These Incense Sticks, made in India, are inspired to connect to your spiritual self and the Other Worldly through the concepts of Crystal Healing, Energy Clearing, Moon Ritual, Om Shanti and Tarot Reading.
These Incense Sticks naturally fragrance your home but are also ideal for spiritual practices.
Each of the boxes comes with a round ceramic incense holder.
To find out more about the metaphysical power of each of these sets, see the ‘Additional Information’.
These Incense Sticks, made in India, are inspired to connect to your spiritual self and the Other Worldly through the concepts of Crystal Healing, Energy Clearing, Moon Ritual, Om Shanti and Tarot Reading.
These Incense Sticks naturally fragrance your home but are also ideal for spiritual practices.
Each of the boxes comes with a round ceramic incense holder.
To find out more about the metaphysical power of each of these sets, see the ‘Additional Information’.
Crystal healing presents itself as an unconventional therapeutic approach that employs precious stones to restore equilibrium to both the mind and life of an individual. This methodology engages semiprecious gemstones and crystals like quartz, agate, amethyst, or opal, harnessing their potential to address afflictions and ward off ailments. At its core, crystal healing operates under the premise that these gems serve as conduits for healing, facilitating the influx of affirmative and curative energies into the body. This process aids in elevating depleted energy levels, warding off negativity, liberating obstructed energies, and fostering a metamorphosis within the body's aura.
Energy Clearing. Smudging entails a ceremonial act aimed at purifying the energy within physical spaces, objects, or individuals, creating an inviting environment for positive energies to flourish. This time-honoured practice involves the controlled combustion of sacred plants, like sage, whose smoke acts as a purifying agent, sweeping through and sanctifying the surroundings. In the ascent of the smoke, your aspirations and intentions ascend as well, harmonizing with the cosmos, and weaving a tapestry that links the celestial, terrestrial, and human realms. These incense sticks are designed to elevate your rituals, whether you're seeking spiritual enlightenment, energy purification, or a more profound connection with the universe. To enhance your meditation ritual, consider igniting our Energy Cleansing Incense prior to your practice. This deliberate act prepares both your energy and consciousness for meditation, facilitating a smoother connection to your inner self and the world around you.
Moon Rituals trace their origins back to ancient cultures such as Egypt and Babylonia, where the moon was revered. Today, these rituals channel the ancient wisdom, creating a hallowed space to turn inward, establish intentions, radiate love, and cultivate empowerment. These rituals revolve around specific moon phases, with the full moon and new moon taking centre stage. Among the eight moon phases, these two hold particular significance. The new moon witnesses a celestial alignment of the sun and moon, carrying the essence of positive transformation. This phase is steeped in ancient wisdom, associated with favourable change. When the full moon graces the sky, its aura is linked to nourishment and intuition, enriched by the echoes of ages past. Moreover, it's a time of enchantment for creativity and personal revelation, echoing the ancient wisdom that has been cherished across generations.
'Om Shanti' serves as the fundamental rendition of the Shanti mantra. The Shanti Mantra finds its resonance in the pursuit of invoking tranquillity and holds a prominent place in Hinduism, as well as in belief systems like Buddhism and Jainism. Enrapture your senses with the enthralling fragrances that infuse each incense stick, meticulously chosen to amplify specific rituals.Traditionally, the Shanti mantra is intoned threefold, resonating as "Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti." This triplication signifies the quest for peace across the realms of body, mind, and spirit. Moreover, this threefold chant extends its influence to encompass the dimensions of time, harmonizing the past, present, and future in a symphony of serenity.
Tarot Reading. Originating in the 15th century, Tarot Cards emerged in Europe as recreational playing cards, delighting locals in card games and reflecting the spirit of the era. However, a pivotal shift occurred in the 17th century. Seers and visionaries in France and England recognized the latent potential within these cards—foretelling destinies. This revelation catalysed the evolution of tarot reading into the revered practice it is today, a journey marked by its unwavering popularity. Practitioners harness the enigmatic symbolism of tarot cards to purportedly unveil insights across time—past, present, and future. With each reading, the tarot deck accumulates layers of energies, both palpable and emotional. Enter this incense, a vital tool primed to cleanse the accumulated residue, paving the way for the dissipation of previous energies and intentions, and ushering in a canvas of clarity and renewal.