Intuitive Mentoring
Are you ready to live an intuitive and spiritual life?
I know that living an intuitive, spiritual and soulful life takes courage. I made my own path to live an intuitive life because I didn’t know anyone who could help me. You do not have to do this on your own. I can support you with Intuitive Mentoring.
My Intuitive Mentoring is for you if you are ready or just even curious to gently explore this way of life to listen to your higher self, connect with the Other Worldly, release long held conditioning and to proactively co-create (manifest) the life you want.
If you want to chat or are ready to get started, email me at or call me on 07803 741396 to find out if this is for you and to schedule your first session.
What happens when you live an intuitive and spiritual life?
You feel free. Free to make soulful decisions. Free to break away from societal and cultural norms that have held you down. Free to stop second-guessing about decisions and choices. You learn to be free to live with intention, be in flow and feel empowered. You learn to Reclaim Your Intuition.
Intuitive Mentoring Sessions
Each session is personal to you. There is no plan or programme created in advance.
I listen to you and attune to the Other Worldly to bring you insights to reclaim your intuition and ultimately, to transform your life. Whether there is a part of your life making you unhappy, confused, angry, sad, or you just feel like something is missing or there is something else you should be doing. That feeling or not being fulfilled or knowing what it is that you need.
Through my channelling, Oracle* readings and other proprietary methods available to me (that have come from the Universe), you can easily and naturally learn about what you want in life and from life for those feelings of fulfilment, happiness and knowing your place in the world.
Oracles feature in most of my Intuitive Mentoring sessions and when needed, a whole session can be used Oracle messages.
As and When You Need It
You choose the frequency and timing of the individual Mentoring Sessions based on what you need. However, for women feeling intense and deep emotions, weekly appointments may be desirable for the first few weeks, moving to bi-weekly and then monthly.
I have found that neither clients nor I need to decide an end date, because often the intuitive mentoring comes to a natural conclusion. Usually when the client has made changes in their life, or is about to, as a result of the insights gained during the mentoring.
Where and How
Most mentoring sessions happen via zoom, but depending on location, local clients may come to my home office - provided you are not allergic to dogs, as Mildred the Frenchie is always there for support too.
The first session is £147 and subsequent sessions are £97. The first session is ninety minutes and subsequent sessions are one hour.
Ready to start?
Email me at or call me on 07803 741396 to find out if this is for you and to schedule your first session.